For this blog, I will be linking many tips on how to hand sew as well as sew with a machine. I personally do not hand sew very often, but I do know the basic steps.

I do want to also add to be careful when sewing. You are using a needle. I have seen many YouTubers and friends poke themselves and get hurt or even sometimes drop the needle on the ground and fear possibly stepping on it!

Hand Sewing:

Sewing with a needle can be fun, it’s something you can do while watching television and the outcome of the piece tends to feel more personal. – Image From
  • How To Thread A Needle

Threading a needle can be hard, I know I always find it difficult especially when I start to get stressed. I found this YouTuber called Stitch My Style which she has multiple videos on beginner sewing videos! There are also needle threaders that Red Ted Art made a video for. Needle threaders often come with small sewing kits you can buy for cheap at places like Walmart.

  • How To Tie A Knot

After threading a needle the string needs to be cut and so the string doesn’t fall out, you need to tie a knot! Having the string fall out would be frustrating considering how annoying threading it already is. Again Stitch My Style gives a good example of how to tie some knots in the thread.

  • Finally Sewing!

There are many different ways to sew, my personal reference is always the invisible stitch that the YouTube channel shows quite well. Here is another video by Easy Sewing for Beginners if you need another view! There are other stitches besides just the invisible that you can do, here is a short video by Thaitrick as well as a longer video by Homedit!

  • Ending a Stitch

Ending a stitch is just another knot that you add at the end of sewing, just something that keeps the hard work you just did all in place. It’s fairly quick so here is a video by Shuryanie and these are the types of stitch endings I do all the time!

Sewing With a Machine:

A sewing machine can look pretty scary at first, and often sound pretty scary, but once you figure it out sewing becomes much quicker! – Image From
  • Work With the Bobbin

A bobbin holds some of the thread, which putting thread in it is something you have to do manually. Before I link a video, I just want to say to make sure to always check and see how much fabric is left on your bobbin! I’ve sewn before just to find out my bobbin has run out and have had to redo it! Howcast has a video on How to Wind a Bobbin and How to Load a Bobbin. My personal sewing machine does not have a bobbin loader like hers, but I still recommend the video!

  • How To Thread a Sewing Machine:

There are a few more steps to threading a machine, it confused me a lot when I first started sewing but you get used to it after a while. Also know that different brands of machines have slightly different setups, so if you do have a specific machine and these videos don’t make sense, look up that machines brand for better instructions. Howcast also has a Threading Your Machine video that I recommend watching.

  • Sewing With the Machine:

Most sewing videos are pretty long, so here are two that I found that are shorter but still cover the topics that needed to be covered! Coolirpa goes through all the steps as well as suggests items that you should have when you start sewing. Tock Custom also goes through all the steps that were listed before this so you can view them setting up their machine as well!

I hope that these steps helped with learning how to sew and that you will follow along with them!