I didn’t imagine there was going to be so much walking
Who knew that backpacking
Through a different country
Would take such a toll
Sweat dotted my brow that could vanish with a single swipe
Of my sleeved arm that added to the heat
The cold hit my food as my eyes glanced down
Dirty, disgusting
Water flooded my shoe as a empty soda can smiled at me
It sat in the murky puddle like a hot tub
It was my legs that took the most damage
Screaming while my foot squelched in my shoe
Rocks greeting their new home between my footwear
So much pain I couldn’t focus on a single thing
This was horrible
Who in their right mind said backpacking
In Greece
Was a good idea?
Reaching the top I notice though
The city surrounding us like water on an island
Limestone and marble drowning is in beauty
The thousands of doubts leaving me
The city was disgusting up close
The view had a different opinion
The light that made sweat drench my face changed
Warm and welcoming
It felt like the opposite of judging a book by it’s cover