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I get nervous about when I write my homework assignments on whether I’m actually answering the questions correctly or not, so I often either read ahead and write my answers in Google Docs and wait until someone posts to be sure if I’m correct, or I avoid the assignment until someone else posts first. Not being too sure about yourself isn’t the healthiest thing when it comes to homework, but when it comes to me and anxiety, anxiety goes first. No questions asked, better keep this Summer less stressful than it needs to be. So, Monkey See Monkey Do, don’t copy their answers but just be sure that your answer isn’t utterly ridiculous even if they may be wrong as well, at least someone went first and not you. I also see this exactly like not wanting to be first for a presentation but happily being second for the presentation. You saw how the first person did so then you can get up there and have it done and over with.
