I made this with Clideo which didn’t take me too long to figure out which was very nice. So I only chose the images that I liked from our assignments to be completely honest, it said on the assignment page to only do our favorite ones so that’s exactly what I did! I also included Africa by Toto as the song for it because it makes me think back to the first time I tried to do one of these types of assignments at the start of the semester and had a breakdown trying to figure out what music to mix with another sound. I thought that was a creative little addition to it. These assignments were pretty fun most of the time, I liked making the GIFs and the FIGs the most I think because that felt personal with the home videos. I think the one I’m the most proud of is The Big Caption assignment, I feel like when one looks at the image they could probably feel what I was going for with it.

I had a good time sharing memes with everyone and seeing what everyone else was posting! Hope you all have a good Summer!
