This was taken last year but I still remember and laugh at this moment each time I look outside the window with my cat. If you look, there is a green cone there. That is to block squirrels from getting onto the bird feeder and it usually works! This boy though, he was smarter than the rest. He did this a few days in a row before we just stopped refilling the feeder, but he would knock a ton of seeds down so the others could grab some of them. It was funny watching him try to jump up and the amount of times he fell down, I think I had a few of those on video as well but I couldn’t resist making a GIF of him just hanging upside down on the bird feeder- he looks ridiculous but also kudos to him for actually achieving his goals! Thankfully we haven’t seen them doing this again this year, but who knows, apparently there are some super smart squirrels out there.
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