Rayann Abbott

Print Version

School Address:
11 Hills Beach Rd, Biddeford, ME 04005
Perminent Address:


High school: Pembroke Academy 2016
College: University of New England

Honors/Awards: Dean’s List

Abroad University

University of New England, Tangier, Morocco

Studied: Basic Arabic, Directed Study in Art, Topics: Bio of Tangier, Topics:Writing Sans Frontieres

Activities: Aided an animal shelter junior year in Tangier, Morocco for the semester and helped those animals have clean cages, look presentable, and have a healthy area to live in.


Arthur Abbott Landscaping, Concord, New Hampshire
2016 – Present

  • Prepared apartments for rent by cleaning, fixing, and painting.

Live and Let Live Farm, Chichester, New Hampshire
2015 – 2016

  • A year’s worth of volunteering at a rescue farm, cleaning cages and helping hundreds of dogs and cats get adopted.


Applications: Adobe Photoshop, Paint Tool Sai, Social Media including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.